English Tests Online Easy testing of English language proficiency


Are you considering cooperation with us? Well done! We are pleased about any offer to cooperate.

We are looking for qualified creators who will produce a series of tests (for example, tests on practicing certain subjects, for a specific grade at elementary or secondary schools, or tests to practice each lesson in the selected textbooks) and guarantee their accuracy. We will, in turn, offer an online portal for creating tests and testing English knowledge, where you can explain the subject to the students in the test results, even automatically classify them.

Cooperation possibilities

Cooperation is possible in many ways. If you have an idea, please contact us. We welcome every opportunity and do not reject anything in advance.

We can help you create:

  • extensive tests of the English Level Test type
  • final test (at the end of the year, at the end of the course, at the end of study)
  • tests for the support of education according to the English textbook selected by you
  • picture tests
  • listening tests (recorded by a Czech or other native speaker)

If you have any questions, comments or ideas for improvement regarding this testing portal, please contact us at the e-mail address info@english-test-online.com.

Creating your own test is simple.

Before the start of our cooperation, register for free…
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